But WAIT, there's more!
If you're not sure if this book is for you, the fabulous Kate Quinn, Author of Mistress of Rome, and part of the author power house team of the forthcoming Song of War, had this to say about TAMER OF HORSES:
"Edith Hamilton's Mythology meets Taming of the Shrew in Amalia Carosella's delightful TAMER OF HORSES. In an ancient Greece where monsters, men, and demi-gods live side by side, a tenuous peace is brokered through the wedding of a womanizing son of Zeus and a wary princess raised among centaurs. Banter between bride and groom quickly gives way to bloodshed, war, and the possibility of a poignant, hard-bought truce. A fascinating read!"(You can't see it but I am FREAKING OUT that Kate Quinn blurbed my book -- this is definitely one of those omg what is my life moments for me.)
TAMER OF HORSES is still available for request on Netgalley, but it won't be there for much longer -- and of course there's still time to enter my Goodreads Giveaway for a signed copy of TAMER plus some fun, semi-thematically appropriate extras. (There might be butts.)
And speaking of butts -- it's almost that time again. My teams** are currently in the process of collecting a fresh crop of Mythic Butts from around the world*** for this year's #NAMEthatBUTT adventures. So brush up on your gods, heroes, and sculpture, my friends, because our annual extravaganza isn't dead yet!
Let's wrap up with a little Pirithous-style bluster--
*Amazon tells me Print and Kindle editions should be linked soon!
**Family Members who have taken pity on me and to whom I owe a great debt of gratitude for humoring my "front, back, and plaque" photo requests.
***Okay, so mostly just Europe.

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