But I didn't want to tell the story everyone already knew. I wanted to look at Helen's life from a fresh perspective. And I definitely didn't want to cover the Trojan War. So I settled on her earlier days -- the days before she met Paris and even before her marriage to Menelaus. I settled on Helen of Sparta.
From that seed, the story grew, and after multiple rewrites and edits and more rewrites, I present to you:
HELEN will be released Spring 2015, and I cannot WAIT to share her story with the world!
(you can add it on Goodreads now!)
(you can add it on Goodreads now!)
That said, for the time being, I'd like to ask you all to join me at my other blog -- Good to Begin Well, Better to End Well. While I'll still post HELEN-centric updates over here, chronicling her landmarks as we zoom to publication, as far as general blogging goes, I'm going to be focusing on Good to Begin Well until we get a little bit closer to release. (And you will definitely want to check out the Second Annual #NAMEthatBUTT tournament of sculptural backsides over yonder, I promise you!)